Read for the Record
DATE: October 2, 2008
LOCATION: 116 N. Union Street
in Westfield, Indiana
PHONE: 317-896-4412 or 317-896-4411
Bring your child to Crafty Capers between 5PM and 7PM to participate in Jumpstart's Read for the Record! This is a national campaign designed to encourage hundreds of thousands of children and adults to read the same book on the same day. Children throughout the country will be participating in the event and the goal is to set a world record.
This year's book is Corduroy. Bring your child to the store and a staff member will read them the book interactively and register your child as a national participant. (A great time for you to knit or do some shopping!) Each child will receive a certificate, sticker,
and may help set a world record!